Friday, May 18, 2012

Turtle Adventures

On the way to James's therapy today, we pulled over to carry a turtle to the other side of the road. I decided to let Caleb see it before I dropped him into the grass, and then I asked, "Hey, wanna take him to Hope Landing with us?"

What 3-yr-old boy would say no??

Caleb wanted to name him...well, Caleb...but we settled on Caleb the Turtle, or C.T. for short.

C.T. was pretty traumatized by the time we got there, and C.B. (Caleb the Boy) was carrying him up-side-down, putting him in the playtent inside Hope Landing, stomping all around him...poor turtle.

We eventually got him outside, where it took awhile to get him to come out of his shell (ha ha). While we waited, we found a feisty little caterpillar who refused to be picked up. So, we decided to bring the turtle to him. We didn't know if turtles ate caterpillars, but we soon found out!

Definitely eat caterpillars!

We went inside to pick James up (who did not have nearly the fun we had!), and by the time we got back, C.T. was gone. I'm sure we'll be looking for him every time we go!


  1. This is awesome! I am still trying to get over how big your turtle and the caterpillar are!! I thought everything was bigger in Texas!

    1. Well, maybe it's hard to see scale here. The caterpillar was pretty big, but I guess the turtle was about the size of a grapefruit. That said, I've seen some awfully big things here in Arkansas! I've had to adjust some of my thoughts about that whole "bigger in Texas" thing!

  2. That was gross and cool! And that caterpiller was scary!!!!!

  3. I love your conversation with Caleb with the play by play. Great experience!

  4. I love how you told the turtle "good job" for eating the caterpillar. Cuz we tell our kids "good job" for everything, too, huh?

  5. I just showed this to my boys, and it was stunned silence for a whole two minutes. Yep, fascinating. :-)

  6. That was yucky! We almost got a video the other day of a fuzzy caterpillar being attacked by a beetle. They were running around too fast and it was mother's day so it just didn't seem like the proper thing to capture. But this is yucky & hilarious! C.T., you're pretty cool!


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