Monday, January 25, 2010

14 Months

Caleb is just about 14 months old, and has been an Arkansan for a little over a week. Many people have asked about his adjustment, and it's really hard to say. The doctor had told me that he wouldn't really notice much, but I think he knows something is different.

The separation anxiety that seemed to last so long--and he finally grew out of a couple months ago--has returned in full force. Caleb's blood-curdling screams can be heard throughout the church nursery and beyond. I'm told he quiets down within a few minutes and wants to be held most of the rest of the time, perhaps finally venturing to play. It's sad to hear that my little boy is having such trouble, but I know that the workers are loving and caring to him, and I'm thankful for the small number of children so I know he gets the attention he needs. When he's with me--at home or out--he's very clingy, and I've held him more in the last week than I have in a long time.

Caleb has also been very resistant to naptime. I'm a fan of leaving him in his crib to fall asleep on his own--which has worked fine in the past--but lately a successful naptime has required lots of wrestling a wiggly boy, lots of screams, lots of rocking and shushing, and eventually a peaceful babe in my arms. Jon has had better luck, and he's in charge of naptime whenever available.

To top it off, Caleb is teething big-time. His fourth bottom tooth is s-l-o-w-l-y coming in. What I thought would arrive by Christmas might actually make an appearance in the next week. Maybe. And what are those big bumps in the back of his mouth? Is my boy getting molars? And based on his crabbiness, I'd say he might be getting them all at once. I can't get a good look at the top set, but he's definitely got two coming in on the bottom. For Caleb that means waking up in the night and some short-tempered-ness. One night we had him on both Tylenol and Motrin at once, a first for us.

However, despite the dismal picture I've painted in the previous paragraphs, most of the time Caleb is his happy self, talking up a storm and ready to face any challenge. He loves the puppy that lives in the yard behind us. The minute we go outside he starts calling out, "Puppy! Puppy!" and makes a bee-line for the fence. "Outside" is now becoming familiar to him, and he also has the patience (and understanding) to wait for me to get his shoes and jacket before leaving the house. He's a pro walker now, though he doesn't navigate steps very well. When he comes to a step (even just a slight one) he turns to me, holds up his hand, and waits until I've got a good grip on him. When he's past the obstacle, he slips his hand out of mine and is off on his own. I'm trying to teach him to hold my hand as we walk, but he's just so excited!

Caleb has shifted from "Mama" and "Dada" to "Mommy" and "Daddy." I personally had wanted to be called "Mama," but can't resist the little voice behind me in the van.

"Yes, Caleb?"
"Bo wheega ba bbbbbbb peesh dat."

It's a highly intelligent conversation. And it makes me happy.

Speaking of names, though, I'm not quite sure Caleb has figured out exactly which one of his parents is Mommy and which is Daddy. For the most part he gets it right (like our conversations in the car), but at other times it's fairly interchangeable.

He has enjoyed all the boxes to unpack here in our new house. He's also enjoying finding new places to stash things. His large magnets on the fridge are rarely on the fridge; sometimes they move to the dishwasher, but most times they are in the bottom of a trash can (along with other treasures found throughout the day) or spread out through the house. I could account for 5 of the 8 earlier today. I just hope I haven't thrown any away!

So all in all Caleb is definitely dealing with some adjustments, whether from the move or teething or both, but he is also still a happy and healthy boy. When you drop your kids off in the nursery on Sunday, I'd appreciate it if you'd say a little prayer for Caleb and the workers with him.


  1. It's always so interesting they can be so big and so small all at the same time. Love your conversations and saying a prayer for Mr. C! Miss you buddy!

  2. Thanks for posting. We'll be praying that Caleb soon settles down, those teeth don't hurt quite so much, and that your life will get back on track. Moving is so hard; I should know! Even with older kids...the "symptoms" of life being turned upside down are just different!

    Just remember that God is ahead of you, your church is praying for you, your family loves you, and you have an awesome husband. That's lot to be thankful for and giving thanks helps get you through the difficulties.

    Pick a date for my visit so I can come cuddle with Caleb!

  3. My kiddo is teething, cranky, not sleeping and in transition, too. I was initially thinking we should ship the boys off to Grandma's house! But that wouldn't help with their adjusting, really. And two teething toddlers at once? Now, that's just torture. :-)

  4. That mommy thing sounds like this commercial for "Family Guy" (I have the show, but the commercial is funny) where the kid keeps saying Mommy, mommy, mum, mom, mummy and finally the mom is like WHAT???????? and he says hi.

  5. So glad to hear about Caleb. I miss him as well as Noah! We went to the Mall today to play on the playground. He is missing 'outside' too!


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