Monday, May 12, 2008

A great trip to the Doctor

Today's appointment was great! It started out with a two-hour seems that waiting comes with the territory--both with this doctor and with choosing the last appointment of the day. We were the last people in the waiting room, and by the time we made it to the back, I was extremely tired.

According to their scale, I've actually lost weight--one pound. The doctor said that was perfectly fine. My blood pressure was fine, as was my urine sample (put that in there for Margie). My bloodwork from last month was fine as well.

After that, we waited again. I asked the nurse what we were doing today, and she said just listening to the heartbeat. Woohoo! Finally, the Dr. came in and pulled out the Dopplar. She warned us that we might not find the heartbeat, and if we didn't, we'd check things out on sonogram. Okay by us. Well, she found it! A nice whooshy heartbeat! Dr. K said the heart rate was 168, which means people would tell me it's a girl.

Then, she said, "Eh, y'all have been so patient; let's do the sonogram anyway."

Hooray!! Already elated by hearing the hearbeat, we skipped over to the sonogram room. The last sonogram, the tech just took the shots she needed and that was pretty much it. But, we were the last people in the office and Dr. K was in no hurry. She gave us a good long look at our little Newbie, and took lots of pictures for us. We got to keep them all! The cool thing was how active Newbie was! He was wiggling and kicking and waving his was so fun! Dr. K said an active baby meant that people would tell us we're having a boy.

We saw arms and legs, tiny toes, eyes and mouth....
The smudge at the top is a hand, with his arm extending to the right (you can see the radius and ulna already formed).

This is a shot of his back, looking a little like a turtle.

And this is my favorite of the 2D shots. His little bum is pointed straight up, his knees are tucked out of site, and at the top are his tiny toes!

Then, Dr. K switched the sonogram over to 3D, which was awesome (and normally something you have to pay extra for). Newbie was so active, that we didn't get very many good looks from it, but she did catch one good shot of his face with his arm covering it. Jon and I decided that Newbie is pretty darn cute, so tiny and all.

Can you see his little face?? How cool is that?!

By 6:30, we left the office, far later than we'd expected, but with far more, as well. Again, I am overwhelmingly awed by a God who would bless us with a baby, and who would take care of the little things like finding the perfect doctor, and calming our fears with an unexpected sonogram.


  1. WOW! I love the 3D pic. You can tell where the soft spot on the head is, just above the hand. It's hard to distinguish legs in this one, but I think I see the cord. I am thankful the baby is healthy and active. I bet he can't wait to meet his parents! God is good.

  2. Do you ever think they're showing every lady in the office the same pictures for a while? Keeps their costs down you know! =)

    Rock on newbie!

  3. @Leanna: haha! They went through all their favorite footage to get some interesting clips.

    Doctor: Look at that movement!
    Patient: You don't even have the wand to my belly any more....
    Doctor: ... Oh. Right. Well, this new technology is amazing! Keep watching, he's about to yawn!
    Patient: How did you know that??

  4. Those are awesome pictures! So glad for a great visit! :)

  5. How blessed are you! I think it was meant to be for you to have the last appt of the day and to get to see so many pictures. Her (yes, I said her) little face is so cute and the 3d is so cool! That is awesome.
    And on another note...I always seem to have to wait at the obgyn too....guess it's all those spontaneous labors :>).

  6. Norvell Newbie has a cute chum! And I love those little toes. I'm glad you had a good visit and that the doctor gave you special attention...considering you were there for 2 hours waiting! Either case, it looks like it was well worth the wait. Glad the pee sample turned out ok. I always had a feeling you would do great at that! ;)
    P.S. The turtle comment made me start singing Veggie Tales--Lance the Turtle, aloha Lance...

  7. P.S. I notcied your future appointments consist of a lot of pee. Weeeee!

  8. Yes, you get REALLY good at peeing in a cup... well, until your belly is so big you can't see well enough or reach very well. :-)

    Maybe you'll get to see a yawn on an ultrasound. That was super cool on ours. (Assuming it was real and not some reel, ya know.)

  9. @Karen: Haha! Now that is a problem I had not foreseen! Sometimes pregnancy just cracks me up with the crazy things I'll experience.

  10. Is it just me, or do I see a little boy part in the picture?? Either way, this little one is super cute!

  11. @Tricia: Jon looked pretty hard, but there was nothing to be seen...we'll just have to wait a little longer!


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